
Life 2. je mešavina koja u potpunosti uvažava činjenicu da mešavina pčelinjih proizvoda, a posebno matičnog mleča i propolisa u povećanim dozama sa vitaminom C ima neverovatan sveobuhvatni blagotvorni uticaj na organizam. Ostvareni kompleks minerala, vitamina i mnogih drugih jedinjenja utiče na povećanje otpornosti organizma kao i na jačanje odbrambene funkcije protiv svih oblika patogena. Life 2. svojom kombinacijom prirodnog vrcanog meda i matičnog mleča doprinosi jačanju mišićne muskulature, deluje umirujuće na nervni sistem i povoljno deluje u slučajevima nervne i psihičke iscrpljenosti. Bogatsvo aminokiselina iz matičnog mleča kao i odlična kombinacija fruktoze i glukoze ima značajan uticaj na povećanje fizičke snage.

U skladu s prirodom

Sastav i doziranje:

Life 2. sastoji se od pažljivo izabranog  prirodno vrcanog meda, propolisa (udarna doza), matičnog mleča (povećana doza), vitamina C…
Jedna velika kašika ujutru pola sata pre doručka.  Sportisti i ljudi s zdravstvenim problemima mogu uzimati duplu dozu.
Oprez za alergične na polen (prisustvo primesa polena u medu).

Varijante proizvoda:

0,5 kg cena: 900 din.
1 kg cena: 1700 din.
Set 7 cena: 320 din.


Ukoliko želite da naručite ovaj proizvod kliknite ovde

[aio_button align=“none“ animation=“none“ color=“orange“ size=“small“ icon=“shopping-cart“ text=“Kupovina“ relationship=“dofollow“ url=“https://medivi.rs/product/life-2/“]

[aio_button align=“none“ animation=“none“ color=“green“ size=“small“ text=“Komentari“ relationship=“dofollow“ url=“https://medivi.rs/product/life-2/“]


Life 2. is a mixture which fully takes into account the fact that the mixture of bee product, such as jelly and propolis in increasing doses of vitamin C has a remarkable beneficial effect on the overall organism. Generated complex minerals, vitamins, and many other compounds affects the increase of the organism resistance and strengthened defensive functions against all types of pathogens. 2. Life its combination of natural extracted honey and royal jelly contributes to strengthening the musculature, has a soothing effect on the nervous system and has a beneficial effect in the case of neural and mental exhaustion. The richness of the amino acid of royal jelly, as well as an excellent combination of fructose and glucose has a significant effect on an increase in physical strength.

In line with the Nature

Composition and dosage:

Life 2. consist of carefully chosen natural honey, propolis (double dosage), royal jelly (increased dosage), vitamin C…
One small spoon in the morning a half hour before breakfast.  Athletes and people with health problems can take a double dose.

Caution for allergic on pollen (possible pollen in traces). 

Varijante proizvoda:

0,5 kg cena:  9 eur
1 kg cena: 17 eur.
Set 7 cena:


If you want to order goes to

[aio_button align=“none“ animation=“none“ color=“orange“ size=“small“ icon=“shopping-cart“ text=“Kupovina“ relationship=“dofollow“ url=“https://medivi.rs/product/life-2/“]

[aio_button align=“none“ animation=“none“ color=“green“ size=“small“ text=“Komentari“ relationship=“dofollow“ url=“https://medivi.rs/product/life-2/“]
