About us

Ever since 1948, when we started socializing with bees, the passion for this little creature has not stopped. Since then, three generations, and the fourth one, has been enjoying nature and the God-given prosperity of the bee world.

It all started back in 1948 in the Banat village of Srpski Itebej (near Zrenjanin) when our grandfather (seen from the angle of the third generation) decided to invest a modest amount of money in beehives and bees. Many of our neighbors and friends were amazed because for God’s sake what the bee is doing in the world of paora. At that time, the Polog hive dominated.

Soon the bee discovered the well-being of the flora and fauna of central Banat, ie various meadow plants (basil, horse basil, dead nettle, white clover, rabbit thorn, mustard, dandelion, mint, fascelia, evodia, sophora, crimson, oilseed rape and more herbs) and the famous sunflower. Later, the apiary increased and with that, honey was also for sale. In the early 90’s and the arrival of new forces, the apiary became a complete and complete whole both in the number of hives and in modern beekeeping techniques (introduction of LR hives, production of queens and royal jelly, introduction of pollen catchers, selection of queens and societies, forcing only the most successful societies). migration of hives to various pastures, etc.).

Today, our beehive has its headquarters in Srpski Itebej, a tame Banat village at the place where the river Begej enters Serbia and creates a large floodplain area that is rich in flora. Precisely because of these benefits, ie a large number of species of honey plants, as well as because of the large areas where oilseed rape and sunflower are planted, this area is well known in the world of beekeeping. We have used all the advantages of this climate, but also the possibilities of other areas from which we harvest primarily acacia honey, and we have managed to extract one hundred percent of natural and healthy bee products from the richness of nature over the years.

In addition to beekeeping, various recipes of traditional medicine have been perfected through the generations, combining bee products and medicinal herbs, which nature leaves us in trust. The creation of various combinations was based on the experience of folk medicine, but also on the postulates of modern medicine, pharmacy and production technology. Today, our production, marketing and sales departments are located in Belgrade in order to better meet the needs of all of you who share the same love for bees and a healthy lifestyle. Through direct delivery, we are present in every home throughout Serbia.

In the future, we will respect and protect nature, and thus the bee, because only such a bee can return your love and give you 100 percent healthy and useful products.