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Showing 1–12 of 37 results

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  • Honey world

    Acacia honey

    Original price was: 1.300 RSD.Current price is: 1.170 RSD.

    Acacia honey helps with insomnia, is great for calming, especially with chamomile tea or milk, relieves dizziness and helps reduce the effects of stress. It is especially suitable for children and convalescents due to its characteristics.

    The product is available in three variants:

    pack 1 Kg, pack 0.5 Kg and pack 0.14 Kg

    You can also order all our products by phone: 381 65 374 2004

  • Šotovi

    Bagremov med shot

    Original price was: 35 RSD.Current price is: 32 RSD.

    Bagremov med Shot  




    Prirodno vrcani bagremov med spada u red najkvalitetnijih sortnih (cvetnih) medova. Dobija se od nektara drvenaste višegodišnje biljke Robinia psedoacacia – bagrem. Med je izrazito svetlo žute boje a može imati i zelenkastu nijansu. Karakterističnog je blagog i laganog ukusa i mirisa. Karakteriše ga i veća količina fruktoze u odnosu na glukozu, slabije kristališe te tako ostaje mesecima ne ukristalisan. Kod kristalizacije kristališe u sitnim finim kristalima. Bagremov med pomaže kod nesanice, odličan je za umirenje pogotovo uz čaj od kamilice ili mleko, otklanja vrtoglavice i doprinosi umanjenju posledica stresa. Posebno je zbog svojih karakteristika pogodan za decu i rekovalescente.

    Acacia Honey Shot




    Naturally spun acacia honey is one of the highest quality varietal (flower) honeys. It is obtained from the nectar of the woody perennial plant Robinia psedoacacia – acacia. Honey is distinctly light yellow in color and can also have a greenish tint. It has a characteristic mild and light taste and smell. It is also characterized by a higher amount of fructose compared to glucose, it crystallizes less and thus remains uncrystallized for months. During crystallization, it crystallizes in small, fine crystals. Acacia honey helps with insomnia, is excellent for soothing, especially with chamomile tea or milk, eliminates dizziness and contributes to reducing the effects of stress. Due to its characteristics, it is especially suitable for children and convalescents.

  • Nature Mix


    Original price was: 1.250 RSD.Current price is: 1.125 RSD.

    Essential oils and propolis, as well as many other substances in this mix, have a positive effect on acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory organs, bronchitis and asthma.

    The product is available in four variants:

    pack 1 Kg, pack 0.5 Kg, pack 0.3 Kg and pack 0.14 Kg

    You can also order all our products by phone: 381 65 374 2004

  • Honey world

    CHOCO Bee original

    Original price was: 790 RSD.Current price is: 711 RSD.

    Choco Bee 100% natural spread based on honey, cocoa, hazelnuts and milk… The perfect natural substitute for nutella and eurocream. When you want to sweeten up and be healthy.

    You can also order all our products by phone: 381 65 374 2004

  • Honey world


    Original price was: 790 RSD.Current price is: 711 RSD.

    Choco Bee 100% natural spread based on honey, cocoa, hazelnuts and milk…

    The perfect natural substitute for nutella and eurocream.

    When you want to sweeten up and be healthy.

    Ingredients: acacia and meadow honey, organic cocoa, hazelnut, milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, orange juice, vanilla…

    Packaging: 420g

  • Šotovi

    Energy shot

    Original price was: 50 RSD.Current price is: 45 RSD.

    Energy Shot     

    100% prirodan energetski shot

    Sastav: prirodni vrcani bagremov med, guarana u prahu i sok đumbira.

    Prirodni vrcani bagremov med visokog kvaliteta sa svojim idealnim odnosom glukoze i fruktoze momentalno po konzumaciji organizmu daje čistu energiju  kao i neophodnu količinu minerala,  vitamina i prirodnih enzima koji imaju mnogostruko pozitivno dejstvo na funkcionisanje našeg organizma.

    Guarana je prirodni simulans koji sadrži dovoljnu dozu kofeina i drugih supstanci koji nam povećavaju pažnjui i mišićni tonus. Mnoga lekovita sredstva guarane su dokazan. Povoljno utiče na kardiovaskularni sistem, probavu i metabolizam. mnogi stručnjaci je povezuju sa prevencijom karcinoma itd.

    Đumbir je  bogat je biljnim vlaknima i eteričnim uljima, a sadrži i smolu, skrob, dingerol, zingerol te biljne enzime. Veoma povoljna dejstva ima kod problema sa želucem, ostalim organima za varenje, mučninama a popravlja i opšte stanje organizma. Đumbir je odličan antioksidans, a ima i značajno antibakterijsko, antiseptičko, antigljivično, sedativno i antipiretičko dejstvo. U tradicionalnoj kineskoj medicini smatraju ga jakim afrodizijakom.

    Energy Shot

    100% natural energy shot

    Composition: natural spun acacia honey, guarana powder and ginger juice.

    High-quality natural spun acacia honey with its ideal ratio of glucose and fructose immediately upon consumption gives the body clean energy as well as the necessary amount of minerals, vitamins and natural enzymes that have a multiple positive effect on the functioning of our body.

    Guarana is a natural simulant that contains a sufficient dose of caffeine and other substances that increase our attention and muscle tone. Many medicinal properties of guarana have been proven. It has a favorable effect on the cardiovascular system, digestion and metabolism. many experts associate it with the prevention of cancer, etc.

    Ginger is rich in plant fibers and essential oils, and also contains resin, starch, dingerol, zingerol and plant enzymes. It has very favorable effects on problems with the stomach, other digestive organs, nausea, and improves the general condition of the body. Ginger is an excellent antioxidant and has significant antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, sedative and antipyretic effects. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered a strong aphrodisiac.


  • Honey world


    Original price was: 1.250 RSD.Current price is: 1.125 RSD.

    Hashigi mixture contributes to improving the body’s immunity and cleansing the body of heavy metals, free radicals and malignant cells, and the positive effects are also expressed in balancing metabolic processes in the body.

     0.5 Kg 

    You can order all our products and by phone: 381 65 374 2004

  • Honey world

    Honey plus MEDOX

    Original price was: 1.250 RSD.Current price is: 1.125 RSD.

    Medox is a mixture that contributes to cleansing the body of free radicals, toxins and other harmful agents. It supplies the body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Contributes to the elimination of cancer cells.

    100 percent natural from our apiary.

  • Honey world


    Original price was: 1.250 RSD.Current price is: 1.125 RSD.

    The neurostrong mixture relieve stress, eliminate anxiety and remove elements of depression. This mixture has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, and by consuming it regularly, you restore peace to the body.

     0.5 Kg 

    You can order all our products and by phone: +381 65 374 2004


  • Honey world

    IMMUNO Bee

    Original price was: 1.250 RSD.Current price is: 1.125 RSD.

    IMMUNO BEE 314ml

    The importance of honey, natural blackberry juice, reishi mushrooms and maca on our immunity and health is great.

    The wealth of minerals, vitamins and other active substances contributes to the creation of specific blood cells that significantly increase our immunity to bacteria and viruses. By regularly taking a teaspoon of Immuno Bee mix daily, you improve your immunity for a long period of time.

    People with significantly weakened immunity are recommended to take two teaspoons in the morning and in the evening. It can be used by children over 6 years old.

    CAUTION if you are allergic to pollen and other listed ingredients. All chronic patients should consult their doctor before starting consumption.

  • Nature Mix

    Life 1

    Original price was: 1.250 RSD.Current price is: 1.125 RSD.

    A well-balanced mixture of the highest quality and 100 percent natural bee products greatly contributes to better blood circulation and facilitation of mental effort.

    The product is available in four variants:

    pack 1 Kg, pack 0.5 Kg, pack 0.3 Kg and pack 0.14 Kg

    You can also order all our products by phone: +381 65 374 2004


  • Nature Mix

    Life 2

    Original price was: 1.250 RSD.Current price is: 1.125 RSD.

    Life 2. with its combination of natural honey and royal jelly, it contributes to the strengthening of muscular muscles, has a calming effect on the nervous system and has a beneficial effect in cases of nervous and mental exhaustion.

    You can also order all our products by phone: 381 65 374 2004