Refresh Shot

Original price was: 50 RSD.Current price is: 45 RSD.

Refresh Shot     

100% prirodan energetski shot

Sastav: prirodna vrcani bagremov med, sok limuna, hladno cedjeni matični sok maline.




Refresh Shot je prava vitaminska i mineralna bomba, koja zadovoljava skoro sve potrebe organizma za vitaminima i mineralima. A priordni vrhunski bagremov med vam daje neophodnu energiju, ali i specifićne enzime koje proizvode pčele.

Prirodni vrcani bagremov med visokog kvaliteta sa svojim idealnim odnosom glukoze i fruktoze momentalno po konzumaciji organizmu daje čistu energiju  kao i neophodnu količinu minerala,  vitamina i prirodnih enzima koji imaju mnogostruko pozitivno dejstvo na funkcionisanje našeg organizma.

Malina obiluje antioksidativnim jedinjenjima, uključujući visok nivo vitamina C, kvercetina i elagične kiseline.  Ova biljna jedinjenja pomažu ćelijama da se bore protiv oštećenja i oporavljaju ih od oksidativnog stresa koji je povezan sa većim rizikom od raka, dijabetesa, srčanih i drugih bolesti. Malina sadrži malo ugljenih hidrata, a mnogo vlakana, i dosta Vitamina C.

Limun spada u red namirnica najbogatijih antioksidansima. Najpoznatiji je kao izvor vitamina C,  može da ubrza razgradnju masnoća, olakša varenje, sadrži i veliki procenat selena i vitamina B, koji je bitan za dobro funkcionisanje nervnog sistema.


Refresh Shot

100% natural energy shot

Ingredients: natural spun acacia honey, lemon juice, cold-pressed raspberry mother juice.




Refresh Shot is a real vitamin and mineral bomb, which meets almost all the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals. And natural premium acacia honey gives you the necessary energy, as well as specific enzymes produced by bees.

High-quality natural spun acacia honey with its ideal ratio of glucose and fructose immediately upon consumption gives the body clean energy as well as the necessary amount of minerals, vitamins and natural enzymes that have a multiple positive effect on the functioning of our body.

Raspberries are rich in antioxidant compounds, including high levels of vitamin C, quercetin and ellagic acid. These plant compounds help cells fight damage and recover from oxidative stress, which is linked to a higher risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other diseases. Raspberries contain few carbohydrates, a lot of fiber, and a lot of Vitamin C.

Lemon is one of the foods richest in antioxidants. It is best known as a source of vitamin C, it can accelerate the breakdown of fats, facilitate digestion, and contains a large percentage of selenium and vitamin B, which is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.


Refresh Shot     

100% prirodan energetski shot

Sastav: prirodna vrcani bagremov med, sok limuna, hladno cedjeni matični sok maline.